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雅思写作:旅游类话题语料素材 +10个旅游类思路分析









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发表于 2023-4-21 09:49:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国香港

十道题: 旅游类写作话题思路分析

Some people believe that tourism can have negative effects on local cultures and the environment. Do you agree or disagree?

  • Claim: Tourism can have negative effects on local cultures and the environment.
  • Reasoning: Increased tourism can lead to overcrowding, loss of cultural identity, and environmental degradation.
  • Exemplification: The mass tourism industry in Bali has led to the destruction of traditional villages and the exploitation of local workers.
理由是: 旅游业的发展会导致过度拥挤、文化特性的丧失和环境的恶化。
举例说明: 巴厘岛的大规模旅游业导致了对传统村庄的破坏和对当地工人的剥削。
Should governments invest more money in promoting tourism in their countries?

from cradle to grave
medical care

  • Claim: Governments should invest more money in promoting tourism in their countries.
  • Reasoning: Tourism can bring significant economic benefits, including job creation and increased revenue for businesses.
  • Exemplification: The "Visit Japan" campaign has helped boost tourism revenue in Japan to a record high, contributing to the country's economic growth.
理由是: 旅游业可以带来巨大的经济效益,包括创造就业机会和增加企业的收入。
举例说明: "访问日本 "活动帮助日本的旅游收入达到了历史新高,为该国的经济增长做出了贡献。
Is ecotourism a sustainable alternative to traditional tourism?

  • Claim: Ecotourism is a sustainable alternative to traditional tourism.
  • Reasoning: Ecotourism promotes sustainable practices and conservation efforts, while also offering unique and meaningful travel experiences.
  • Exemplification: Costa Rica's successful ecotourism industry has helped protect its natural habitats and wildlife while providing economic opportunities for local communities.
理由是: 生态旅游促进了可持续的实践和保护工作,同时也提供了独特而有意义的旅行体验。
举例说明: 哥斯达黎加成功的生态旅游产业有助于保护其自然栖息地和野生动物,同时为当地社区提供经济机会。
Ecotourism activities typically involve visiting and enjoying a natural place without disturbing the landscape or its inhabitants. This might involve going for a hike on a forest trail, mountain biking, surfing, bird watching, camping, or forest bathing.


An ecotourism definition isn’t as hard to pin down as you might think. According to the International Ecotourism Society, ecotourism is defined as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people and involves interpretation and education.” Simply put, it’s travel that has a positive impact on a destination’s ecology and economy.
<hr/>Should tourists be charged more to visit popular destinations to help manage overcrowding?

  • Claim: Tourists should be charged more to visit popular destinations to help manage overcrowding.
  • Reasoning: Overcrowding can lead to environmental damage and degradation of cultural heritage sites, while higher fees can help fund conservation efforts.
  • Exemplification: The Italian city of Venice has implemented a "landing tax" on cruise ships to help mitigate overcrowding and fund conservation efforts.
理由是: 过度拥挤会导致环境破坏和文化遗产地的退化,而更高的收费可以帮助资助保护工作。
举例说明: 意大利威尼斯市对游船征收 "登陆税",以帮助缓解过度拥挤和资助保护工作。
Is it ethical to visit countries with poor human rights records?

  • Claim: It is not ethical to visit countries with poor human rights records.
  • Reasoning: Visiting countries with poor human rights records can be seen as supporting oppressive regimes and contributing to human rights abuses.
  • Exemplification: Many people have called for a boycott of tourism to Myanmar in response to the government's human rights abuses against the Rohingya minority.
理由是: 访问人权记录差的国家可以被视为支持压迫性政权和助长侵犯人权行为。
举例说明: 许多人呼吁抵制到缅甸旅游,以回应该国政府对罗兴亚少数民族的人权侵犯。
Should countries ban or limit cruise ships from docking in their ports?

  • Claim: Countries should limit or ban cruise ships from docking in their ports.
  • Reasoning: Cruise ships can contribute to overcrowding, pollution, and environmental damage in local communities.
  • Exemplification: The city of Dubrovnik, Croatia has limited the number of cruise ships allowed to dock in the port to help manage overcrowding and protect the city's historic sites.
理由是: 邮轮会造成当地社区的过度拥挤、污染和环境破坏。
举例说明: 克罗地亚的杜布罗夫尼克市已经限制了允许停靠在港口的游轮数量,以帮助管理过度拥挤和保护城市的历史遗址。
How can countries balance the economic benefits of tourism with protecting the environment and cultural heritage?

  • Claim: Countries can balance the economic benefits of tourism with protecting the environment and cultural heritage by implementing sustainable practices and regulations.
  • Reasoning: Sustainable tourism practices can promote economic growth while also protecting natural habitats and cultural heritage sites.
  • Exemplification: The Galapagos Islands in Ecuador have implemented strict environmental regulations to help protect the unique wildlife and habitats while still allowing tourism to contribute to the local economy.

理由是: 可持续的旅游实践可以促进经济增长,同时也可以保护自然栖息地和文化遗址。
举例说明: 厄瓜多尔的加拉帕戈斯群岛实施了严格的环境法规,以帮助保护独特的野生动物和栖息地,同时还允许旅游业为当地经济作出贡献。
What are the benefits and drawbacks of all-inclusive resorts for local economies and communities?

  • Claim: All-inclusive resorts can bring economic benefits to local economies, but they can also lead to cultural homogenization and limited economic opportunities for local communities.
  • Reasoning: All-inclusive resorts can provide job opportunities and increase revenue for local businesses, but they may also discourage visitors from exploring local cultures and businesses outside of the resort.
  • Exemplification: The growth of all-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean has led to concerns about the impact on local communities and cultural heritage.
理由是: 一价全包式度假村可以为当地企业提供就业机会,增加收入,但也可能使游客不愿意去探索度假村以外的当地文化和企业。
举例说明: 加勒比海地区一价全包式度假村的发展导致了对当地社区和文化遗产影响的担忧。
Should tourists be required to take cultural sensitivity training before traveling to foreign countries?

  • Claim: Tourists should be required to take cultural sensitivity training before traveling to foreign countries.
  • Reasoning: Cultural sensitivity training can help promote understanding and respectful behavior towards local cultures and customs.
  • Exemplification: The Japanese government has launched a "Cool Japan" campaign to promote awareness of Japanese culture and customs among tourists.
理由是: 文化敏感性培训可以帮助促进对当地文化和习俗的理解和尊重。
举例说明: 日本政府发起了一个 "酷日本 "运动,以提高游客对日本文化和习俗的认识。
Is tourism more beneficial or harmful to developing countries?

  • Claim: Tourism can bring significant economic benefits to developing countries, but it can also lead to cultural exploitation and environmental degradation.
  • Reasoning: Tourism can provide job opportunities, increase revenue for local businesses, and promote cultural exchange and understanding, but it may also contribute to environmental degradation and exploitation of local communities.
  • Exemplification: The growth of tourism in Bali has led to concerns about cultural exploitation and environmental degradation, despite bringing significant economic benefits to the region.
理由是: 旅游业可以提供就业机会,为当地企业增加收入,并促进文化交流和理解,但也可能导致环境退化和对当地社区的剥削。
举例说明: 巴厘岛旅游业的发展导致了对文化剥削和环境退化的担忧,尽管给该地区带来了巨大的经济利益。


Do the benefits of tourism outweigh the drawbacks?
Positives of tourism:
Personal perspective:
  Tourism is a popular leisure activity;
  Tourists can relax, have fun, 'recharge their batteries', experience different customs and cultures (sight-seeing, sunbathing, visiting monuments, tasting new cuisine).
  Travel opens our minds. It can broaden our horizons.
Economic perspective:
   The tourism industry is vital for some countries. People rely on tourism for their income.
   Tourism attracts investment from governments and companies.
  It creates employment due to demand for goods and services (hotels, entertainment etc.).
   It helps to improve the standard of living.
Negatives of tourism:
Environmental perspective:
  旅游业会对环境产生消极影响 ;
  Tourism can have a negative impact on the environment.
  Excessive building (roads, hotels etc.) destroys natural habitats and spoils the landscape.
   Tourism creates pollution and waste. It puts pressure on local resources such as food, water and energy.
Economic perspective:
  Tourism may cause a rise in the cost of living. Prices of goods and services go up.
   Tourists buy second homes. All of this affects local people.
Cultural perspective:
  Local traditions may be lost;
  Traditional jobs and skills die out (e.g. farming, fishing);
  Local people are forced to work in the tourist industry.

On one hand, tourism can bring numerous benefits to a destination. It can boost the local economy by creating jobs and increasing revenue for businesses. Additionally, tourism can help preserve cultural heritage by promoting the preservation of historical sites and traditions. Moreover, tourism can enhance cultural exchange and understanding between different societies, promote environmental awareness and conservation, and foster peace and mutual understanding between nations.
On the other hand, tourism can also have negative effects on a destination. It can lead to environmental degradation, particularly if it involves activities such as deforestation or destruction of natural habitats. It can also lead to overcrowding, increased traffic, and pollution, which can damage the local environment and negatively impact the quality of life of residents. Furthermore, tourism can sometimes lead to the exploitation of local communities, particularly in developing countries where workers may be paid low wages or be subjected to poor working conditions.
In conclusion, whether the benefits of tourism outweigh the drawbacks depends on a variety of factors, including the destination, the type of tourism, and the way in which it is managed. While tourism can bring tremendous benefits to a destination, it is important to manage it carefully to ensure that it is sustainable and does not harm the local environment or community.


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